High Altitude Balloons (HAB) are a passion of mine because of my fascination with aerospace engineering. I lead a local team of fellow HAB enthusiasts with a shared appreciation for designing and executing HAB launches.
In fall 2023 our local HAB club team launched the third HAB from Western Massachusetts. The updated payload design used a LoRa radio - ground based pointing to which was the focus of the launch. The team demonstrated point-to-point communications between the HAB transmitter and the ground station. The overall communications architecture consisted of the following components.
The trackuino combines the and Arduino with uBlox GPS receiver and FM transmitter to create APRS (Automatic Packet Reporting System) functionality
The Arduino uses GPS location from the uBlox GPS receiver to develop APRS packets which are modulated with a Radiometrix FM transmitter
These packets are transmitted in the Ham Radio VHF band at 143.9 MHz and distributed to APRS.fi through IP
LoRa Radio
A LoRA radio is also configured on the HAB Payload to send and LoRa packets to a ground control receiver containing GPS location of the HAB
NOTE: The upcoming Spring 2023 launch design will be updated to include a significantly lighter electronics payload mass by consolidating the Raspberry Pi and Arduino based radio functions smaller, lighter Adafruit featherboards.
Ground Station
The ground station contains a LoRa radio to receive GPS coordinates from the HAB
The ground station also contains an external GPS receiver and IMU to point a Yagi antenna toward the payload during its ascent
The PTU is implement using the Yaesu 5600 rotator
NOTE: The ground station maintained a receive only link with the LoRa payload until balloon reached the radio horizon.
Teamwork makes this possible
The Fall 2023 HAB launch day team is shown to the right. All members played critical roles in successful flight.

The images below show the recovery site and the final APRS track location, which was within 100 yards of the recovery site in Merrimack, NH.
The image above shows a still image from the video recorded on the Payload from the GoPro.

Merrimack, NH
The payload was found the day after launch day within 100 yards of the last measured flight location in Merrimack, NH. The search included drone flight and on foot inspection of the search radius.
APRS was used to track the flight through aprs.fi and the final flight location data is shown to the right.


The payload communication system is shown to the left. The bottom left is the Raspberry Pi with Waveshare Sx1262 LoRa Hat. The top left is the Trackuino. Bottom center is the uBlox GPS receiver.

The ground station uses a Raspberry Pi as the host computer for Python source code that receives GPS coordinates and bearing from the uBlox GPS receiver and the IMU, respectively. The Raspberry Pi also hosts a Waveshare Sx1262 LoRa hat, which receives GPS coordinates from the HAB payload. Using its own position and heading and the coordinates of the balloon received over LoRa the ground station will point a Yagi antenna toward the balloon.

The command prompt shown to the left shows the pan-tilt unit outputting the azimuth and elevation to point the ground station Yagi antenna toward the HAB.

Trajectory Planning
Estimates of HAB trajectories are generated using the Sondehub.org web-based predictor. This predictor determines the projected trajectory based on ascent rate, descent rate, current weather measurements and short term predicitions fed into atmospheric models.
The required helium quantity is a function of the desired ascent rate (5 m/s), balloon mass (600 g), and payload mass (750 g). The ascent rate determines approximately what altitude the balloon will burst at, since higher ascent rates are associated with higher delta-P and lower altitude bursts.

In January of 2022 we launched a high altitude balloon from Valatie, New York. The payload was recovered in Leominster, MA in May 2022 by a hunter - indicating that the balloon burst close to approximately 90kft. However, we weren't able to see any location updates on APRS.fi. After an autopsy, we found the transmitter had faulted. Based on this lesson learned, we plan to comprehensively test communication prior to the next launch, which will also contain an additional LoRa radio for added communications resiliency.

In fall of 2021 myself and a team of engineers launched a balloon containing a payload with redundant APRS transmitters. We tracked the balloon until the transmitter lost power. Unfortunately, we were unable to get the balloon to the required altitude for the balloon to burst prior to the transmitter battery running out.