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Fall 2016

During the Fall 2016 semester at Tufts University I designed a two stage distributed MMIC LNA using the available gain design approach.

Academic Work: Welcome
Academic Work: Work

Single Stage Designs

The first step of the design process was to determine the lumped component matching networks for the input and output matching networks of both stages of the amplifier. These matching networks were designed using the Smith Chart tools in ADS.

Academic Work: Text
Academic Work: Work

Interstage Matching Network Design

The interstage matching network was designed using the ADS Smith Chart based matching network designer. The matching network was designed such that the output impedance of the first amplifier stage and the input impedance of the second amplifier stage were in agreement with their single stage output and input impedances, respectively.

Academic Work: Text
Academic Work: Work

Distributed Components and EM Modeling and Simulation in Momentum

After the lumped component representations of the LNA were set up, the lumped components were converted into distributed elements using the microstrip design tool in ADS. An EM simulation of the circuit was performed and the design of matching networks was iterated based on the difference between the expected results and the EM performance characteristics.

Academic Work: Text
Academic Work: Work


After validating the initial output data, a few iterations of EM optimization led to the final performance parameters shown below.

Academic Work: Text
Academic Work: Work
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Spring 2015

During the Spring of 2015 semester at Tufts University I designed a single stage lumped component LNA. Some of the highlights are shown below.

Academic Work: Welcome

The first step of the design was bringing the stability factor of the amplifier circuit above 1 over all operating frequencies using a shunt resistor at the output. A 12.5 ohm resistor was used to bring the stability factor above 1 for the frequency range.

Academic Work: Text